"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, not standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful..."Like a grade school teacher I ask the right questions, wait for the answers. (myself also the pupil.)

Ungodly, same thing.
You skipped one.
Did I?
Pray tell, who are the sinners?
These others thrown in with those whose companionship, counsel, and cowardice I should avoid?
How about me.
I am a sinner.
And insomuch, my counsels to myself should be ignored.
I take counsel from, pleasure in, strength of,
gain wisdom through, live life by,
the benevolent law.
Wow! That's a new thought. I've always avoided that "sinner" word.... cause I know that's me. But yeah, of course! My counsel is to be ignored... mmm Thanks for this post!