
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Ultimate Self-Sacrifice...

Ok, get this...

The greatest prophet that ever lived finds himself confined to the solitude of a dungeon cell in Herod’s impregnable fortress... Yet, notwithstanding the darkness, the damp, his bodily suffering, his loneliness, his uncertainty, it is his heart that is pained most of all. And this time, it’s not because his followers have forgotten him, but rather because they haven’t...
I just read in Desire of Ages this morning that John the Baptist was pained because his disciples’ affection for him was slowing them up from receiving Jesus... It’s as if he would rather dispense with their love and die friendless than steal influence from the One he was about to give his life for... Oh, he was not always without questions of his own, but his loyalty never wavered...

That’s the ultimate self-sacrifice...

And how can I do any less? Oh Jesus, let me never accept affections that should be Yours...

Monday, November 2, 2009


For as long as I can remember, I've prayed a prayer something like this:

"Oh, cover me with the shadow of Your wings... I want my self to be hidden. I want people to see You in me..."

A worthy prayer, it seems... Indeed, I still pray it. But lately I've been thinking, and I've changed the wording just a little bit...

I want nothing more than to come to the end of my day (every day), and have the assurance that someone, somewhere, loves Jesus more because I lived that day. When I have that assurance, no day is too dark to be worth living...
But there's only one way to accomplish that. Ask for His eyes, His heart, His love, His life...
Be His ambassador. Don't be afraid of sacrifice. Forget yourself...

Ahh! but see, there it is! Forget... Wouldn't you rather be a Christian who forgets himself completely in the presence of his God, rather than one who walks through life toting self all around town in a suitcase, hidden all nicely, but available in case of dire extremity? I sure would...

That's why I changed my prayer--

"Cover me with the shadow of Your wings... I want my self to be forgotten... "

Monday, October 19, 2009


"Till heaven and earth pass away" and then beyond... His righteousness will remain.
It shall forever be to His children a source of strength, and an eternal safeguard.

Like a mountain unmovable is our God...

We cannot rise without Him underneath us; He cannot lift us without our consent.

Get up and climb...
He will never give out on you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

You are the salt... Yes, you.

I’m not sure about you, but there have been few kitchen crises more memorable to me than the times we’ve run entirely out of salt... (Living 2 hours from Wal Mart does have it’s disadvantages...)

Well, life without love is like food without salt. Only, you and I are the salt.
Salt does lots of things, a few jump out at me this morning...

Salt is an intensifier...
Without it, porridge is not as tasty, candy is not as sweet, bread tastes empty, potatoes, tofu, & rice... blah! But add a little, and all the best comes alive...
That’s our job. By our influence the best should be brought out in people. We should be intensifiers (advocates, proponents) of every sweet, and pure, and holy, and beautiful thing. Jesus was...

Everything salt touches, changes...
That’s power! And that’s our job too. Leave no spot untouched for the kingdom of Heaven... And when we are His hands, what we touch, His Spirit will change.

And though it has no heat of it’s own, it melts ice...
Oh, I love this one. Sweet Jesus, use me! I have nothing worthy of my own, even to give to You... How then can it be that you will use little me to break hearts of stone, and melt the strongest, coldest, blackest lie...?

Ahh, the mystery of Love! Thy ways are too high for me...

Thanks for loving me. I love You too...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Smartest move we ever made...

Maybe for you it's just another week in history... For us it's much more.
In addition to the numerous birthdays our neighborhood has recognized in the past 7 days, one large landmark keeps us thanking our Father...

When we moved to this little place we call "Sweetwater" 10 years ago this week, we had no idea what we were getting into. We only knew that Heaven had some surprises in store... and ready or not, we were on our way!

It can truly be said that we've "grown up here". Never before have we stayed in one place so long... But durational roots are not what bind our hearts here. We're bound by a love for our Father that has grown, and a love for each other that has deepened because of the many moments - easy and hard - that are now behind us.

We love it here because it is here we learned to love...

And tomorrow we'll wake up to the first day of the next 10 years.
Oh Lord Jesus, teach us yet more... We really do love You.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life's Best...

I'm back... finally.

Here's the thought for today:

"Life's best things--simplicity, honesty, truthfulness, purity, integrity--cannot be bought or sold. They are as free to the ignorant as to the educated, to the humble laborer as to the honored statesman. For everyone God has provided pleasure that may be enjoyed by rich and poor alike--the pleasure found in cultivating pureness of thought and unselfishness of action, the pleasure that comes from speaking sympathizing words and doing kindly deeds. From those who perform such service the light of Christ shines to brighten lives darkened by many shadows..."*

Good thing, eh?
I'm smiling...

*{MH 198.2 - Emphasis added}

Saturday, February 21, 2009

There are Promises, and then there are Promises...

...All of them are infallible, but some are so pronounced they don't even need to be articulated.

They're absolute. They're there whether or not He keeps saying it. Like love, and grace, and mercy...

For God to keep "promising" to love is a bit like a biological father promising to keep being a biological father. It's not going to change, say it or not.

It's Who God is.

Ok, So... where's our part?

The appropriation of "promises absolute" depends not on the validity of the promise itself, but our appreciation for it.
Don't appreciate it, (or don't appreciate it enough) and for you, it's almost like it's not there... Even if it is absolute.
Love and grace and the Spirit... They all work that way.

They've always been there...
Oh Jesus, open our eyes...

Friday, February 6, 2009

"No Rest for the..."

"Soldiers engaged in battle have to meet difficulties and hardships. Coarse food is given them, and that often in limited quantities. They have long marches, day by day, over rough roads and under burning suns, camping out at night, sleeping on the bare ground, with only the canopy of heaven for a covering, exposed to drenching rains and chilling frosts, hungry, faint, exhausted, now standing as a target for the foe, now in deadly encounter. Thus they learn what hardship means. Those who enlist in Christ's army are also expected to do difficult work, and to bear painful trials patiently for Christ's sake....After gaining one advantage, you must do battle again."

Did someone say that victory was a walk in the park? I hope not...
If it were, everybody would get it without effort, and it would cease to be of value.
It is the fight that substantiates freedom... 

"...But those who suffer with Him shall also reign with Him...Through divine strength you will prove more than a match for your enemies."

Signs of the Times, Sept. 7, 1891.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Something Impossible...

Home again, after two weeks away... 
I’ve decided something-- Well, I knew it before, but I’m sure now. 

There’s nothing worth more than ministry. Service is absolutely priceless...
If you haven’t tried it lately, you cannot know...

There’s something unutterably thrilling about doing your earnest part to prepare, then losing all your work at the last minute, and finding yourself on your knees saying: “Ok, what did You want me to say...”

-Something incredibly fulfilling (the ultimate “filling you full” experience) about trembling on your knees 5 seconds before taking the pulpit, then standing up to perfect confidence... 

-Something life changing about watching lives change before your very eyes...

-Something mind boggling about preaching for an hour, then having no idea what you said... (No credit to you!)

-Something priceless about standing in front of scores of young people for whom you have been given a great love, and watching the tears flow while you sing (and try to check your own)... 

There’s something eternal, something unequivocally impossible- the work of transcendent grace and unbounded love- about being used as a mouthpiece for Heaven itself-- for God Himself... 

Especially when you remember that you are really proud, and selfish, and mean, and arrogant, sluggish, short-sighted, poor, miserable, blind, and naked, at your best...

Now, does ministry always look like that?
No, but even if it did only once every two lifetimes, the lifetime spent without would be more than worth it....

And even if it never did, there’s something magnificent about giving and never getting anything in return...

The books will be balanced in Heaven.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Never Question Love... He knows what He's doing.

I learned something this morning... 

A simple truth - and one it would do us well to remember.

Never has a bitter cup been put to our lips, before Christ our Savior has taken to His own, and drunk the greater half...

Never tell me He doesn't understand. 
And never question Love... He knows what He's doing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Year Full of Promise...

I learned something this morning...
Gold is most dazzling in its liquid form...
Wood is most colorful when it’s about to turn to ashes...
And the face of Jesus was “never more beautiful” than when stained with blood, and showing the marks of pain and exhaustion. (Desire of Ages - “In Pilate’s Judgement Hall”)
There’s something there for me. And something tells me I’m going to find it this year... 
Especially if I intend to reveal through my life the beauty of the King in more dazzling color than ever. 
That is my prayer. That is my intention. Oh, give me Jesus...
And oh, if you are a child of the Highest, and if you have read this post, pray for me. 

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