I've gone to answer a silent call unmistakable. Over two fences and down a sandy draw.
Wherever my gaze wanders, my feet follow. From rock to creek to giant anthill and back.
These are the best hours of the day, and they belong to God...
But you know, it is most often in the very cradle of these moments, --these hours that slip away into eternity leaving behind them a quiet deep and peace so sweet-- it is in these selfsame that I experience the worst agitations, and the deepest discontent.
Because on the heels of every happiness comes the agony that is the reality of another's pain.
Someone said love and pain go together. How right they were.
Every time I taste the sweeter sweet, I suddenly start up, all taken by this wild desire to distribute.
And that wouldn't be so bad, if every starving soul would actually take it!!
Maybe that's why I pace. From creek to anthill and back.
From joy to yearning and back.
Finally, this:
The very best you can do to bring the beautiful hungry to realize the fullness of joy that is in Christ,
is to be constantly realizing that joy yourself.
You seek. They'll find.
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. " 2 Corinthians 4:6,7
ReplyDeleteThe glory that is on His face, in our poor and imperfect hearts... So that all those who we long to see filled, can see His face, and long for it too. Just by being filled with His smile, we distribute.
Yes. :)