
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Never Question Love... He knows what He's doing.

I learned something this morning... 

A simple truth - and one it would do us well to remember.

Never has a bitter cup been put to our lips, before Christ our Savior has taken to His own, and drunk the greater half...

Never tell me He doesn't understand. 
And never question Love... He knows what He's doing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Year Full of Promise...

I learned something this morning...
Gold is most dazzling in its liquid form...
Wood is most colorful when it’s about to turn to ashes...
And the face of Jesus was “never more beautiful” than when stained with blood, and showing the marks of pain and exhaustion. (Desire of Ages - “In Pilate’s Judgement Hall”)
There’s something there for me. And something tells me I’m going to find it this year... 
Especially if I intend to reveal through my life the beauty of the King in more dazzling color than ever. 
That is my prayer. That is my intention. Oh, give me Jesus...
And oh, if you are a child of the Highest, and if you have read this post, pray for me. 

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