Lettuce I can do.
Broccoli I can do.
Kale I can do. (more please?!)
Kohlrabi I do. Radishes, turnips, parsnips, parsley, and fresh asparagus.
Yep. Do, do, do.
Like, all.
And I
like liking everything. (everything good.)
You cannot imagine my horror when I woke up one day and found out there was one I couldn't do...
. . . . .
My screen comes to life with a swipe.
My thumb dances, my
eyes dance. My feet dance all the way up the stairs where I almost blunder into Natasha in the kitchen. I tap the icon with the little red "10" on its corner. Off in my own little world...
But not really...
No, actually, not at all.
I share this world.
I share it with who-knows-how-many other people. 100? 120?
And it's not the facebook app, (don't have that one, actually) and it's not the G+ app, and it's not the mail app, and its not Messages.
Typing scripture makes my eyes dance. And I wander round and round the kitchen island dodging Tasha and a huge bowl of hummus, and the wheat thins leftover from recital night, and the rest of the lunch fixings.
And I pound the table with my fist, and she enters right in, and we laugh together...
"You know what I LOVE???"
"I absolutely love the Ethiopian! Here's the guy, sitting in his chariot, puzzling over Isaiah."
"And Philip arrives from nowhere, and expounds,"
"And he's like: 'See,
"'...here is water! What doth hinder me to be baptized?'"
(She listens to the same bible I do, so our intonation comes out perfect in unison.)
What a concept. What a beautiful, fresh perspective...
"Yeah... And Philip..."
"Yes! and then they come out of the water and, poof!"
"'And he went on his way rejoicing...'"
Ha! I would have to....
I would have too.
I'll be honest, even at the start of this thing I never dreamed that memorizing could be this much fun.
Now, I've given up guessing. I'm just
Some of you were on to ScriptureTyper right from the start, before I'd ever heard of it. Well, I've heard of it now. And it's a fixture... I'm totally hooked. Hooked most of all because those that have
joined our group in the last week can be just as much a part as those who joined months ago... And we can push ourselves, and encourage each other, and
pray for each other... 1,385 prayers and counting.
Even if we're not (and we're not! :)) all at the same spot...
And then there are the other emails I get... The other blogposts I read...
And friends from Young Disciple who have developed a full set of first-letter bookmarks for the entire book of Acts, (for download or purchase) so you can take your chapter anywhere...
(click here.)
God is building something far beyond our dreams. He's putting in His children an insatiable appetite for
His Word...
Oh, you don't have time?
No, actually, you do. Perhaps you don't have an appetite.
But that can change. I promise...
. . . . .
Remember my horror when I found the greens I couldn't do? (Apologies to my Asian friends.)
Bok Choy and I don't agree... There's a violent (and I do mean violent) chemical reaction when I put it in my mouth.
But you know, I'm not giving up hope yet. After all, the people who grew up on the stuff. . .
Wait a minute.
You chose what you'll grow up on.
Go delete all the games off of your phone and computer,
and then go get ScriptureTyper.