Oh Lord our God, little children praise you perfectly,
And so would we.
And so would we.
Some songs keep singing long after the baton is back in its sleeve.
Jared Westbrook |
I awake early to two simultaneous trains of thought, perhaps leftover from the night's dreams...
In one, my heart strains after more perfect service, and my lips silent form the morning's plea.
In the other, the lyrics to my all-time favorite choral anthem run over and over; warm, fill.
I roll out of bed.
My thoughts merge on the 8th Psalm. I play the words of the incredulous poet over in my head.
"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings has thou ordained..."
What's the word?
Neato (the iPad) comes into service. I memorized the 8th Psalm as a boy, but perhaps it was a different version.
"...Hast thou ordained strength."
Hey, were did my praise word go?
I switch to Strongs.
The word is Strength. The word is also Praise.
Same word.
Same thing?
I squint at the screen, thinking, not seeing. My finger dances at the edge of discovery.
Strength and song go together.
"The LORD is my strength and song..."
"Give unto the LORD glory and strength."
Wait... Give Him
strength? Make that
"Give unto the LORD...glory and strength."
"Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing..."
"Sing aloud unto God our strength..."
"Thou art the glory of their strength."
"For the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song"
I lean back in the futon,
is strength.
Song is strength.
It "stills the enemy and the avenger." (Ps. 8)
That's perfect service.
Both trains of thought are satisfied.
To praise Him perfectly
is to serve Him perfectly.